FREE 4 Day Magickal Experience

finding your


Online Ritual of Nature and Connection
for Autumn Equinox

september 2o - 23 September 2024

You’re invited to the circle

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Get ready to gather your gifts and find your balance in this 4 day ritual culminating in a two-hour live online gathering to celebrate the Earth, its cycles, and inner and outer balance.

The FREE 4 Day Magickal Experience
Begins september 20th


Calling all witches, pagans, and mystics, including beginners, the experienced crones, and the curious!

At this time of year (in the northern hemisphere) the day and night are in perfect equal balance. The power of the Sun is continuing to wane. It is now the middle of autumn. The nights begin to get longer, and the leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees. This time of year is also known as the Harvest Festival as now the last of the fruits and vegetables are gathered in.

This is autumn equinox

Rituals like this consolidate what’s already happening in our bodies and minds, due to the changing seasons.

Traditionally Autumn Equinox marks the gathering of the final harvest of the year. balance between darkness and light

We are reminded that winter is not far away and we must prepare for the colder times ahead.

Having been active during the peak of summer, it’s time to begin to gather in our gifts, to bring our focus inward, and to give ourselves time and space to rest and regenerate. We too will enter our waning phase and will use the autumn and winter months for resting and recharging our batteries.

It is the time for balance between darkness and light.


Observe autumn equinox with the wild wytch webcoven

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Day One

build your altar

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Day Two

Equinox meditation

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Day Three

apple Ritual

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Day Four

Full ritual of balance and harvest

What to expect during this 4 day experience.



Each day you will receive a short video explaining your daily  ritual.



Join the facebook group and share your experience with others.


The Big Event

Take part in the beautiful ritual in the spirit of celebration, sharing, and community.

Welcome. I’m Lilith Wildwood, Heretic Witch and Magical Mentor.

A spell-casting, wand-wielding, cloak-wearing, witch, healer, priestess and eternal optimist, dedicated to helping you rediscover your magick.

My work is devoted to radical feminist witches who have felt alienated by spiritual communities. I’m a guide to the potent, and bullshit free, Forbidden Path to magick.

I’ve always been interested in the so-called ‘demon goddesses’; I relate to their rage, you see. My first love was Babalon, then Isis…

… then Lilith entered my life. And about ten years ago, she started to get really loud. She had always been present, but as time went on it became clear she was calling me to take her name and embody her energy.

Of course I resisted… the commitment felt too big, the energy too powerful. But eventually I couldn’t ignore her. I planned and performed a ritual, and called Lilith in. As she joined me inside this body, I fell to my knees wracked with deep ancestral grief and, yes, rage.

At that moment, I felt the pain of every being who has ever been hurt by patriarchal religion and culture. Lilith carries it, always, in acknowledgement of the harm that has been and is still caused by these structures. And now I had volunteered to carry it too.

I instantly knew that there is no wickedness in Lilith. Yes she is angry, but it is the rage of the protective mother.

Aged 8, I went into our front room, sat on the sofa, and said aloud into the empty room: “I don’t believe in God.” There was no bolt of lighting. Nobody heard, or cared. And what had been a suspicion inside me turned into the boiling rage of a child who discovers she’s being lied to, by everyone in power.

30-odd years later I took on Lilith’s name and mission. My mission is to reveal the methods – both blatant and insidious – of physical, psychological and spiritual violence that are created by the patriarchy and its associated religions.

Lilith’s Forbidden Path is the path I have trodden every day for decades. And now it has become the name of the method I use to help women heal themselves from the trauma they have endured.

I share the ancient mysticism that Lilith has led me to reclaim, from secret, hidden corners of those harmful religions, without the dogma and lies that prevent women from experiencing their true power.

Thirty years ago I formed my first coven. Over the years it has evolved and changed, and at the start of 2020 we took our magick online. This intrepid band of feminist wytches has been pursuing magical adventures, walking the path of Lilith’s power, ever since.

I have personally witnessed this path change so many lives, in ways that are not rationally plausible.

I hope to have the opportunity to walk it with you, too.

With love and apples,




I can't wait to for you to Join us September 20th