Join us in the Zoom Webcoven on 3rd Febuary at 7pm GMT
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Imbolc celebrates the growing light and the revitalising energy of the coming springtime. It’s a time to cleanse and prepare for the next phase in the Wytches’ Wheel.
This FREE Magickal Experience is on February 3rd 2024
Calling all witches, pagans, and mystics, including beginners, the experienced crones, and the curious!
This is IMBOLC
Rebirth – waking up after the long winter sleep, and preparing for the coming year.
At Imbolc our energy becomes revitalised, reactivated and vibrant.
Rituals like this consolidate what’s already happening in our bodies and minds, due to the changing seasons.
Join the IMBOLC online ritual here:
Imbolc marks the warming of the Earth, the lighter longer days, and the promise of spring.
On this night we will be sweeping away the cobwebs of winter and anything else unwanted in our lives.
Observe IMBOLC with us, in the Webcoven of Untamed Wytchery
Step One
Enter the Circle
Step two
Connect with the community
Step 3 Three
Prepare your body, mind, and spirit
Step Four
chant, dance, journey with magick
Close your eyes and I will lead you on a journey to dance with the fire serpent.
In ancient times these festivals were part of the planting, growing and harvesting cycle. As many of us don’t grow our own food these days, our connection to the Earth can be forgotten…these festivals can help us connect on a very personal level.
What to expect during this Magickal Ritual
The Webcoven Wytches will be here to welcome you into the circle.
The journey will take you to a beautiful place within yourself.
Take part in the Imbolc Ritual to cleanse and revitalise.
Join the Wytches ' gathering here:
Welcome. I’m Lilith Wildwood, Heretic Witch and Magical Mentor.
A spell-casting, wand-wielding, cloak-wearing, witch, healer, and priestess dedicated to helping you rediscover your magick.
My work is devoted to radical feminist witches who have felt alienated by spiritual communities. I’m a guide to the potent forbidden path to magick.
I have been walking this path for a lifetime and witnessed so much bullshit along the way.
I teach magick in a way that is simple, do-able, and jaw-droppingly, hilariously effective.
I’m the perfect geek and heretic wytch to guide women on their practical and profound magickal path.
I’m a body-mind psychotherapist working at the intersection of neuroscience, philosophy, and mysticism, and I subvert patriarchy at every opportunity.
The Webccoven of Untamed Wytchery is dedicated to the serious job of esoteric education and woman centred spirituality.
I share the ancient mysticism that Lilith has led me to reclaim, from secret, hidden corners of those harmful religions, without the dogma and lies that prevent women from experiencing their true power.
I have personally witnessed this path change so many lives, in ways that are not rationally plausible.
I hope to have the opportunity to walk it with you, too.