Yay! You want to join WUW!
Please choose the payment plan most suitable for you below – weekly or monthly.
However, the Webcoven is a PAY WHAT YOU CAN community of Wytches! I am happy to accept enthusiastic and dedicated wytches no matter what you can afford. I’ve created coupon codes if you need them.
For me this is a women’s issue, we often have less money and fewer opportunities in life. So as part of my work of empowering women, please… PAY AS YOU CAN, based on trust.
I, of course, appreciate it if you can pay in full, but if you need to, you have the option to put one of the following codes in the payment form and your payment will be discounted today and every month/week. Choose from the following codes:
While you wait for the first webcoven gathering, you will have access to the Wytch Library. Please take time to explore this and begin your steps into radical magickal knowledge. You will get emails about this over the next few days.
There is no commitment and you can leave at any time.
I look forward to sharing your journey!
See you inside!
Weekly Payments
Full Price Weekly payments
Monthly Payments
Full Price Monthly payments
Lilith x